Citizen engagement

Find out the opinion of citizens
and develop your city the right way


Citizen engagement platform

Find out the opinion of citizens

and develop your city the right way

Platform for collecting citizens' opinions for


Platform for collecting citizens' opinions for


We'll help you collect citizens' initiatives, receive in-depth analytics and make right decisions about city development

We'll help you collect citizens' initiatives, receive in-depth analytics and make right decisions about city development

14 cities have already used Urbanpinion in their decision-making
ideas collected
12 000 +
citizens visited the platform
Create your own web-page for the survey

Get a permanent domain webpage, fill it with important information, add a background, logo and images, customize question types and answer categories

Create your own web-page for the survey

Get a permanent domain webpage, fill it with important information,

add a background, logo and images, customize question types and answer categories

Involve citizens in
a dialogue
Collect initiatives, votes and suggestions using an interactive map

Involve citizens in a dialogue

Collect initiatives,

votes and suggestions using an interactive map

Make the right decisions based on received opinions
Get ready-made analytics, download the data in a comfortable format and make important decisions about city development

Make the right decisions based on received opinions

Get ready-made analytics, download the data in a comfortable format and make important decisions about city development

Use Urbanpinion
Leave a request and our manager will contact you. We will send you information about the service, as well as discuss the details of launching the project. In the meantime, you can see the work of the service on the Test page.
Your field of work
What is the goal of your request?
How did you hear about Urbanpinion
If you already have a project, briefly describe it so that we can select the best functionality for you
Thank you! We will be in touch with you soon.

«By pressing the button you give your consent to the processing of your personal data and agree to the privacy policy»
What our customers say
Grigoriy Fefilov
Head of urban planning department at «Jauzaproject»

It was a pleasure to work with Urbanpinion Team, they answered questions at any time of the day and night. The landing with the map was created on time and according to all our requirements. With the help of the map with pins, we managed to collect more than 500 comments from citizens. That definitely helped to develop our project.
Polina Sizova
Deputy of Malaya Okhta district, activist of New Malaya Okhta and Our Rozhok

We used the service for the campaign to protect the Okhta peninsula from the extensive building. CEO Nadezhda suggested how to promote the survey, where to post information, as well as managed the communication with citizens via social media. Residents gladly used the opportunity to share their opinions. The analytics album that we received gives full information about the wishes of the survey participants. Based on the results obtained, we made a sketch and now we can say exactly what we want to see in this small park. Thank you very much!
Valeriya Shukuropat
Coordinator of activist movement "Za bereg"

This is one of the unique services, available both for professionals and for ordinary residents who want to change the space around them together. This interactive map is a convenient format for communication and interaction with residents/users of the territory, collecting their wishes for the development of the territory, which also helps to identify the problems of the place. The service is user-friendly and easy to understand, does not require any special knowledge, installation of programs. In the modern realities of the pandemic, it can become an indispensable assistant in collecting information, will help to get feedback quickly and conveniently.
Dmitry Trutnev
Assistant Director of the Center for E-Government Technologies of ITMO University

The urge to use the service for citizen involvement appeared during the realization of the international project INTERREG BSR on the implementation of initiative budgeting in several municipalities of North-West Russia. We have chosen Urbanpinion because it provided all the ready-made tools and functions. Moreover, in cooperation with the developers of the service, it was possible to quickly and efficiently develop and put into operation additional functions to support reasoned discussions and rating proposals by residents of pilot municipalities. Overall, we are very pleased with our choice and interaction with the Urbanpinion team.
Make the right decisions
for city development
Urbanpinion OÜ, Estonia, Tallinn, Sakala tn 7-2, 10141

Свяжитесь с нами любым удобным Вам способом
Book a demonstration of the service
Choose any convenient time, and I will be happy to show you how the service works on a video meeting.

In the meantime, you can try our service on the test page.

Nadezhda, Urbanpinion CEO